How to Buy Bitcoin (BTC) in 4 Easy Steps

Price updated 3 mins ago

Quick Answer:

You can buy Bitcoin and have it in your wallet in less than one hour in 4 simple steps:

  1. Find the best exchange that sells Bitcoin.
  2. Register a new account.
  3. Fund your account.
  4. Buy Bitcoin.

These steps are simple if you know where to buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency -- but knowing where to buy is the hard part.

Many cryptocurrencies are only offered on less well-known exchanges, and finding the best place to buy Bitcoin (BTC) and then figuring out if that exchange is trustworthy is more than most people - even experienced crypto traders - can handle!

We've done all the hard research for you. Let's get started.

Step 1Find the Best Bitcoin Exchange

Ultimately, doing your own research in crypto is the best way to learn the processes of moving your money, finding promising investment opportunities, and buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

We have done years of work to make this as simple as possible for you.

Why You Should Trust Our Recommendations


We started with 346 crypto exchanges.

We start by evaluating our comprehensive list of 346 exchanges that we have spent 7+ years and 600+ hours gathering data on.




of these exchanges sell Bitcoin.

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Reasons we ♥ Coinbase Exchange
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Bank Transfer (ACH)
Debit Card
Wire Transfer
Apple Pay
Google Pay
SGD Transfers
3D Secure Card UK
Easy Bank Transfer UK
Faster Payments UK
Instant Card Cashouts UK
PayPal UK

Step 2Register Your New Account

  1. Prepare Personal Information: Collect your personal details, including your name, address, and documents for identity and address verification.
  2. Create an Account: Visit the Coinbase Pro website, click "Sign Up," and provide your name, email address, and country of residence. Then, create a secure password and, if desired, set up two-factor authentication with your phone number.
  3. Agree to Terms: Read and agree to the user agreement and privacy statement.
  4. Verify Identity: Complete a two-step identity verification process by uploading a government-issued ID (passport, driver's license, or national ID card) and taking a selfie to confirm the validity of the photo ID.
  5. Wait for Approval: Wait for Coinbase Pro to review and validate the documents, which can take up to 48 hours, followed by immediate account verification upon approval​​.

Step 3Fund Your Account

Once you have registered or logged in to your account at , there are several funding methods you can use to buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

You can buy Bitcoin on using:

Please select listing to show.

  • Bank Transfer (ACH) 3-5 business days processing time
  • Debit Card Instant processing time
  • Wire Transfer 1-3 business days processing time
  • Paypal Instant processing time
  • Apple Pay Instant processing time
  • Google Pay Instant processing time
  • SEPA 1-3 business days processing time
  • EFTCAD 3-4 business days processing time
  • Interac Instant processing time
  • SGD Transfers 2-3 business days, Same day for a fee processing time
  • 3D Secure Card UK Instant processing time
  • Easy Bank Transfer UK Less than 2 hours processing time
  • Faster Payments UK 1-3 business days processing time
  • Instant Card Cashouts UK Instant processing time
  • PayPal UK Instant processing time

Step 4Buy Bitcoin (BTC)

After registering and funding your account at , you should be able to buy Bitcoin after your deposit finishes processing. After you receive your BTC, make sure to secure it and follow best security practices to avoid losing it scams or hacks.

Best Bitcoin Exchanges

Bitcoin is also available on these exchanges:

coinbase pro
Coinbase Exchange

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Bitcoin is safe to buy. It is listed for trade on some of our top-rated exchanges including Binance, Zengo, Coinbase Exchange, Bybit, OKX, Kraken, KuCoin,, BingX.

You can buy Bitcoin instantly at Binance, Zengo, Coinbase Exchange using their instant buy feature or a credit card.

Yes you can buy less than one (1) BTC. Cryptocurrencies in general are divisible to 16 decimal places.

To buy Bitcoin, you will need to deposit funds into your exchange account - which usually has no fees - and then buy BTC, which will incur a trading or purchase fee; usually 0.1-3% depending on the exchange.

You can buy $1 of Bitcoin at Binance, Zengo, Coinbase Exchange.

Bitcoin Investment & Buying Guide

Diving into the dynamic world of digital currencies, you’ve likely heard of Bitcoin, the pioneer that set the stage for a financial revolution. It’s the original cryptocurrency that’s been reshaping the way you think about money since 2009. With its decentralized nature and blockchain technology, Bitcoin has not just sparked curiosity but has also ignited a global conversation on the future of finance.

As you’re about to uncover in this research report, Bitcoin’s journey is far from a straight line. It’s a tale of innovation, volatility, and the relentless quest for a decentralized future. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just crypto-curious, understanding Bitcoin is crucial in navigating the ever-evolving digital currency landscape. So, let’s delve into the complexities and triumphs that make Bitcoin a financial phenomenon worth exploring.

What is Bitcoin Cryptocurrency?

How Does Bitcoin Compare to Other Cryptocurrencies?

Bitcoin, often referred to as digital gold, is the original cryptocurrency that set the standard for what a decentralized digital currency should be. Unlike traditional currencies controlled by national governments, Bitcoin operates on a peer-to-peer network, devoid of central authority.

Other cryptocurrencies, commonly known as altcoins, sprung up on the heels of Bitcoin’s success. Each one brings its own innovations and use cases, seeking to carve out a niche or solve a particular problem in the space. For instance, Ethereum introduced smart contracts, allowing for more complex programmable transactions beyond straightforward transfers.

When looking at market capitalization, Bitcoin leads the pack with a market cap that has often been several times larger than its nearest competitors. Here’s a quick snapshot of how Bitcoin’s market cap has historically compared to other top cryptocurrencies:

Cryptocurrency Market Cap (USD)
Bitcoin $XXX Billion
Ethereum $XX Billion
Binance Coin $X Billion
Tether $XX Billion
Solana $X Billion

Note: The figures change frequently; always check real-time data for current information.

In terms of longevity and widespread acceptance, Bitcoin remains ahead. Many view it as a sort of “reserve currency” within the crypto world. Major businesses and payment processors were quicker to adopt Bitcoin, giving it a head start in the race for mainstream acceptance.

Transactions per second (TPS) is another area where Bitcoin differs from its peers. With a limit of around 4-7 TPS, Bitcoin’s network is slower compared to Ripple’s XRP, which can handle 1,500 TPS. The trade-off, however, is Bitcoin’s stronger emphasis on security and decentralization.

The unwavering focus on simplicity and security has meant that Bitcoin hasn’t been as quick to adapt to new trends like DeFi (Decentralized Finance) or NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as some other platforms. But despite its slower evolution, Bitcoin maintains its position as the go-to asset for investors looking to dip their toes in the cryptocurrency waters.

Bitcoin History & Growth

Bitcoin emerged from the shadows of the 2008 financial crisis. Satoshi Nakamoto, an anonymous entity, published the Bitcoin whitepaper proposing a decentralized digital currency free from government control.

The first Bitcoin transaction occurred in 2009 when Nakamoto sent 10 bitcoins to computer scientist Hal Finney. Bitcoin’s first real-world transaction famously bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins in 2010, emphasizing its initial low monetary value.

Fast-forward to 2017; Bitcoin experiences a meteoric rise, peaking at nearly $20,000. This unprecedented surge drew significant media attention and investor interest to the cryptocurrency market.

Since then, Bitcoin has seen increased adoption by both retail and institutional investors. Payment processors like PayPal now facilitate Bitcoin transactions, bolstering mainstream adoption and trust.

Despite market fluctuations, Bitcoin’s growth remains resilient, with its all-time high surpassing $60,000 in 2021. This peak represents more than just a monetary value; it’s a testament to the burgeoning confidence in cryptocurrency.

Buying Bitcoin with Different Payment Methods

The landscape of buying Bitcoin has diversified, offering multiple payment options to accommodate your preferences and financial habits.

Buying Bitcoin with a Credit Card

Purchasing Bitcoin with a credit card is straightforward and often rewards you with quick transaction times. However, you’ll want to watch out for higher fees and potential impact on your credit score due to volatile prices.

Buying Bitcoin with a Debit Card

Using a debit card to buy Bitcoin can be less costly than a credit card and offers direct access to funds in your checking account. Ensure your bank permits transactions with cryptocurrency exchanges to avoid any disruption.

Buying Bitcoin with Apple Pay

Apple Pay provides an easy and secure way to buy Bitcoin through supported crypto exchange apps on your iPhone or iPad. It encrypts your transaction, adding an extra layer of security to your cryptocurrency purchase.

Buying Bitcoin with Paypal

PayPal has recently allowed users to buy, hold, and sell Bitcoin directly through their platform. This option stands out for its convenience but is typically associated with higher transaction fees.

Buying Bitcoin with a Bank Transfer

Bank transfers are among the most commonly used methods for buying Bitcoin due to their lower fees. Remember that while this method is cost-effective, it might take longer for transactions to process compared to other methods.

Keeping Your Bitcoin Safe

Software Wallets

Software wallets are applications you can download to your computer or smartphone. They offer easy access and the ability to transact with your Bitcoin at any time. Your private keys, which allow you to spend your Bitcoins, are stored on your device, making security of that device critical. Examples include Electrum and Exodus, which implement encryption to protect your funds.

Always ensure your software wallet is updated regularly to benefit from the latest security patches. You should also consider using two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security. Keep in mind that software wallets, while convenient, are more susceptible to cyber threats such as malware or hacking compared to hardware wallets.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are physical devices specifically designed to keep your Bitcoin safe from online threats. They store your private keys offline, on the device, and connect to your computer only when you need to make a transaction. Ledger Nano S and Trezor are among the most reputed brands you may consider.

Using a hardware wallet is considered one of the safest options because your keys never leave the device. Transactions are signed within the wallet itself before being broadcast to the blockchain, reducing the risk of theft. Remember to purchase hardware wallets from official sources or authorized retailers to avoid tampered devices.

Selling & Withdrawing Bitcoin

After securely storing your Bitcoin investment, there may come a time when you’re ready to sell or withdraw funds. Deciding when to sell depends on your financial goals and market conditions. Platforms that allow you to sell Bitcoin might include the same exchanges where you bought them or dedicated peer-to-peer marketplaces.

When planning to sell, consider the taxes on any capital gains from your Bitcoin sales. Each platform offers different withdrawal methods, such as bank transfers, PayPal, or checks. It’s vital to check withdrawal fees as these can substantially reduce your net proceeds.

For speed and convenience, some prefer immediate withdrawals to a linked bank account. Others might opt for cold storage, cashing out less frequently but potentially incurring higher fees. Remember, each time you transact with Bitcoin, there’s a record in the blockchain which ensures transparency but also demands meticulous record-keeping for tax purposes.

Investigate which platforms offer the best rates and lowest fees for selling Bitcoin by reviewing user experiences and platform reputacies. To ensure security, always withdraw to accounts in your name, and be wary of scams or too-good-to-be-true offers.

Is Bitcoin a Good Investment?

Deciding whether Bitcoin is a suitable investment depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Bitcoin’s volatility can result in high returns as well as significant losses, making careful consideration essential. Navigating the cryptocurrency market requires an understanding of market trends and the potential for future growth or decline.

Historically, Bitcoin has exhibited substantial price increases, capturing the attention of both individual and institutional investors.

Long-term trends have shown that Bitcoin’s value has appreciated significantly since its inception despite periodic price corrections.

Diversification is a key investment strategy; adding Bitcoin could represent a way to diversify your investment portfolio.

Remember that past performance does not guarantee future results, and the value of Bitcoin can be unpredictable.

Research suggests that Bitcoin’s market dominance and limited supply – capped at 21 million coins – contribute to its potential as a long-term investment.

Before investing in Bitcoin, make sure you understand the technology and the market to make an informed decision. Always consider seeking advice from a financial adviser to align your investment with your financial objectives.

Bitcoin Price Predictions

Understanding Bitcoin price predictions requires knowing the factors that influence its value. Market demand, blockchain updates, and regulatory news play pivotal roles. Experts analyze historical trends and current events to forecast Bitcoin’s movement. Their predictions, however, should not be the sole basis for investment decisions.

Predictions often vary widely among experts and analysts. Some point to Bitcoin’s halving events – where rewards for mining are halved – as indicators of future price spikes. Such events tend to reduce the rate at which new Bitcoins are created, potentially driving up demand. The next halving is expected to occur in 2024, which some believe might lead to a surge in price.

Long-term forecasts include bullish scenarios due to Bitcoin’s limited supply of 21 million coins. This scarcity contrasts with traditional fiat currencies that central banks can print without limit.

In the short term, Bitcoin’s price is often driven by news cycles and sentiment. A positive announcement can lead to a quick increase, while negative news can result in sharp declines. Monitoring developments and market sentiment provides insights into potential price movements.

Bearish outlooks often factor in global economic uncertainties. Increased regulation or a shift in investor sentiment towards risk can impact Bitcoin negatively. It’s crucial to stay informed about global trends and their potential impact on cryptocurrency markets.

Data from trading platforms reveal key resistance and support levels. These levels offer insight into future price action. When analyzing charts, look for established patterns that might suggest upcoming price changes.

Remember that price predictions are not certainties. They are educated guesses based on the current knowledge and should be part of a broader research strategy. Always approach them with a blend of skepticism and open-mindedness.

Additional Info

Diving into Bitcoin’s complex world, you’ve explored its standing as a digital currency powerhouse and the various methods to join the trading community. You’re now aware that while predictions offer a glimpse into Bitcoin’s potential, they’re not a crystal ball. Remember, the 2024 halving could shake things up, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. With a currency as dynamic as Bitcoin, staying on top of the latest trends and market shifts is crucial. Armed with this knowledge, you’re better equipped to navigate the unpredictable waters of cryptocurrency investment. Embrace the volatility with caution and make informed decisions that align with your financial strategy.

Bitcoin (BTC)
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